Swiss experience of the past - Museum Blanc Bayrak Ballenberg

When you hear the word museum comes to your mind is a small place contains a collection of rare objects and archaeological sites that have been saved carefully, but it is different here in the museum open Palin Bayrak, where you can spend an entire day within a very large area to roam where they were split this museum to the 12 regions covering the areas of Swiss In every area you can watch more than 100 buildings of buildings Swiss old-fashioned and over a century ago and within several generations and you can access to every home and watch the details closely from the kitchen and the dining table and the rooms all the contents as well as handicrafts and special places such as the school and the delivery room the barns and various pets that live in Switzerland and all Maitalq daily life of old, also are establishing Offers such as those for the manufacture of cheese, which is prepared from fresh milk from the cow, there is also the bread which is prepared in an oven derives its heat from wood and a lot of other offerings such as sculpture, blacksmithing and woodcutting and others can get showtimes through your brochure so at the entry gate .. during these presentations can buy bread directly after removed from the oven or cheese after the preparation I do not know if he can openly buy craftmanship 
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